What single application allows you to
increase staff productivity, decrease
operational costs, support higher regulatory
compliance, and increase usable floor space
- all at the same time?
DocumentLOK™ does. DocumentLOK™ brings all of your documents and business records together into one central repository - where customizable business rules automatically assign the proper security permissions and automatically link the documents to the appropriate customer or vendor record within your CRM, ERP, HR, accounting, or other line-of-business application.
By reducing the filing and retrieval processes to just a couple mouse clicks, your staff saves time - time that was previously wasted on chasing paper documents and files. Even if each employee saved only 30 minutes per day, you would still see an increase in productivity of over 16 days per employee per year.
DocumentLOK's impenetrable 256-bit encryption and extensive and unmatched security infrastructure protect your sensitive documents and records, making them available to only those who should have access. Immediate access to all of a customer's, employee's, or vendor's records allows you to strengthen these strategic relationships while maintaining privacy and preventing unauthorized access.
CLICK HERE to learn more about DocumentLOK™ and how it can streamline and standardize processes, cut costs, improve customer service, and more.