Increase Staff Productivity
Employees spend 14% of their time manually searching for documents. (Association of Records Managers and Administrators)
How many times have you gone to the file cabinet only to find that someone else has the file, document, or report that you need? How many times have you spent an unacceptable amount of time scouring the network for a PDF file, or combing through all of your Outlook® folders trying to find an email? It is not uncommon for multiple staff members to need the ability to access the same documents - resulting in multiple copies of the same document stored over and over again.
The average document gets copied 19 times. (Coopers & Lybrand)
The average entity could reduce its unstructured content storage requirements by 41.2% if each document were stored only once. (AIIM: Capitalizing on Content)
A document management system (DMS) maintains all documents and ESI in a centralized, indexed repository, with the documents always available to any staff member with the proper security to access those records - whether that staff member is in your office, in the building next door, or on the other side of the district. Documents and electronic files can also be linked to the appropriate student, curriculum, or teacher record within your Student Information System (SIS), customer record in your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, or employee record within your Human Resources (HR) system for example, giving you easy, single-click access to your documents without ever having to leave your primary management system.
Multiple studies have shown that as little as 1/2 hour a day, to as much as 2 hours a day, could be freed up by not having to chase paper. Even at the low side - by saving "only" 1/2 hour a day - the average office worker could regain over 16 days of productivity every year.